In Decenio Online Store you can find collection items available in our physical stores, as well as exclusive items and not available in other sales outlets.
As a rule, the articles available online follow the same discount table applicable to physical stores except when dealing with exclusive campaigns for the online channel or in certain physical sales channels.
All items are limited to existing stock and all campaigns do not accumulate with other promotions in force.
Available campaigns:
-50% off on online store items identified with the “OUTLET” label. Final prices already calculated directly on the articles. Promotion running between 15/04/2024 and 31/12/2024. Not combinable with other campaigns in effect. Limited to existing stock. Online Exclusive.
-30% off on capsule Decenio x Gonçalo Peixoto collection. Items identified with the “GONÇALO PEIXOTO” label. Campaign valid from 20/12/2023 to 31/08/2024. Cannot be combined with other campaigns. Limited to existing stock.
-30% of discount on the trousers, reference D003637, identified with the “Special Promo” label. Campaign valid from 29/05/2024 to 30/09/2024. Not combinable with other campaigns. Limited to existent stock.
-50% discount on all items from the new Spring-Summer 24 collection, identified with the "SUMMER PROMO" label, except the Molinm capsule collection and ESSENTIALS. Campaign active from August 9th to September 30th, 2024. Valid in top-tier physical stores and the online store. Limited to existing stock.
The online store reserves the right not to accept or cancel orders when it verifies that they were made under an incorrect spelling, price or product identification error or any other computer error on the website or in any channel related thereto, not being bound by any promotion or offer resulting from error or misunderstanding.
Any questions do not hesitate to contact us:
Phone: 00351 252 230 502
Whatsapp (exclusive text messages): 00351 910 043 958
Working days, Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 6 pm (GMT)